I've gone and bought a 3D printer from bits from bytes. The idea is not just to continue my craze with cosplay stuff..... or start to be more accurate, but also to make some pieces to help around the house that I just can't find anywhere, or it's too expensive.
I've gone and bought the repman 3.2 from bitsfrombytes.com. I've decided to go as cheap as possible and buy the single extruder and assemble my own hot end. I'm on a tight budget, so I can't go lashing out on the highest end product. I decided on getting this printer because the build area is much larger then the others I've seen. I just hope I haven't made a mistake in buying this.
I've received my printer in parts today and it's already starting off on a bad foot. There's a bag of parts missing from the box. The check list has it ticked off, but it's just not there. I'm going to carry on building what I can even without this one part.
I'm already part way through and the instructions are not that good. On most sections there's a 3D model that you can manipulate a bit to look around to see what goes where, but the instructions don't seem to be written in understandable English. I'm a programmer, but even then, it seems the instructions are wrong. A few of the parts listed aren't even needed in that section.
What's gotten me really worried is the test piece that was they give you to try out breaking the plastic to see what sort of pressure you can use before it breaks. This should prevent you from making too much of a mistake........ I broke the test piece very easily which means that I'll have to gingerly put everything together and hope that it stays put without getting a real feeling of tightening all the nuts and bolts. This is a little scary. I wonder if I can print my own parts? or should I build myself a laser CNC machine and make some spare parts. Hmmmm, that's only if I can get this thing to work.
The support is quite prompt. I've e-mailed them and they've already replied and said that the part I need is in the post. Sadly, it's a Thursday night, so it should go out tomorrow..... and I'll get it on Monday.
Anyway, back to building.
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