Saturday, 21 April 2012

3D printer's first successful print

Wow, it's taken some time but it's finally done.

Here's what the final print looked like.

The print took about an hour. The material used is ABS plastic because that's the only plastic I have at the moment. The bottom half looks great and everything seems in line. Just after half way through, it looks like there may have been a Y-axis problem and it's gone in slightly. Then about 3/4 of the way though gaps start appearing The most evident it the tail, there's about 3-4 lines where that section has shifted. I'm not really sure what to make of it, but the X-axis, seems to be fine, it's the Y-axis which may have a problem. This is the 4-5 test print.

Here are a few of the other test prints that didn't quite work out.

This was the beginning of some pliers. As you can see something went horribly wrong. I couldn't tell what was going on and where it was failing so I tried printing out a simple bracelet

This is meant to be a stretchable bracelet, but it clearly doesn't look like it. I must have had an incorrect setting when I built the instruction. It's actually not complete. I stopped it because the gear connected to the extruder had fallen off, most likely because it wasn't screwed on tight. Overall, this was looking to be a good print. The X, Y and Z axis had been checked, all that was missing was the extruder.

 There was one more print before this just after the failed duck. It's exactly the same print as this one, but the first few seconds of printing it out already looked really wrong. The lines were everywhere and very uneven. I had fixed the X axis, but I had completely forgotten about the Y. After checking it out and the Z axis, that's what popped out.

Here are the ducks side by side. Can you tell which was the first print and which one was the successful print. It's pretty much been because I haven't tightened the screws on the stepper motors enough. It's all thanks to the plastic that has made me afraid of tightening anything together. I think the Y axis needs to be tightened a little more, and then everything should run a little smoother. I'm hoping everything will continue to run smoothly.

Now, what to print next, thingiverse, here I come.

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